Security Key Application Access Control

With security-focused and privileged system resources, a board may wish to restrict which applications can access which system call resources. In this stage we will extend the Tock kernel to restrict access to the encryption capsule to only trusted (credentialed) apps.


We need two Tock mechanisms to implement this feature. First, we need a way to identify the trusted app that we will give access to the encryption engine. We will do this by adding credentials to the app's TBF (Tock Binary Format file) and verifying those credentials when the application is loaded. This mechanism allows developers to sign apps, and then the kernel can verify those signatures.

The second mechanism is way to permit syscall access to only specific applications. The Tock kernel already has a hook that runs on each syscall to check if the syscall should be permitted. By default this just approves every syscall. We will need to implement a custom policy which permits access to the encryption capsule to only the trusted HOTP apps.

Module Overview

Our goal is to add credentials to Tock apps, verify those credentials in the kernel, and then permit only verified apps to use the encryption oracle API. To keep this simple we will use a simple SHA-256 hash as our credential, and verify that the hash is valid within the kernel.

Step 1: Credentialed Apps

To implement our access control policy we need to include an offline-computed SHA256 hash with the app TBF, and then check it when running the app. The SHA256 credential is simple to create, and serves as a stand-in for more useful credentials such as cryptographic signatures.

This will require a couple pieces:

  • We need to actually include the hash in our app.
  • We need a mechanism in the kernel to check the hash exists and is valid.

Signing Apps

We can use Tockloader to add a hash to a compiled app. This will require Tockloader version 1.10.0 or newer.

First, compile the app:

$ cd libtock-c/examples/blink
$ make

Now, add the hash credential:

$ tockloader tbf credential add sha256

It's fine to add to all architectures or you can specify which TBF to add it to.

To check that the credential was added, we can inspect the TAB:

$ tockloader inspect-tab

You should see output like the following:

$ tockloader inspect-tab
[INFO   ] No TABs passed to tockloader.
[STATUS ] Searching for TABs in subdirectories.
[INFO   ] Using: ['./build/']
[STATUS ] Inspecting TABs...
TAB: blink
  build-date: 2023-06-09 21:52:59+00:00
  minimum-tock-kernel-version: 2.0
  tab-version: 1
  included architectures: cortex-m0, cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m7

 Which TBF to inspect further? cortex-m4

  version               : 2
  header_size           :        104         0x68
  total_size            :      16384       0x4000
  checksum              :              0x722e64be
  flags                 :          1          0x1
    enabled             : Yes
    sticky              : No
  TLV: Main (1)                                   [0x10 ]
    init_fn_offset      :         41         0x29
    protected_size      :          0          0x0
    minimum_ram_size    :       5068       0x13cc
  TLV: Program (9)                                [0x20 ]
    init_fn_offset      :         41         0x29
    protected_size      :          0          0x0
    minimum_ram_size    :       5068       0x13cc
    binary_end_offset   :       8360       0x20a8
    app_version         :          0          0x0
  TLV: Package Name (3)                           [0x38 ]
    package_name        : blink
  TLV: Kernel Version (8)                         [0x4c ]
    kernel_major        : 2
    kernel_minor        : 0
    kernel version      : ^2.0
  TLV: Persistent ACL (7)                         [0x54 ]
    Write ID            :          11          0xb
    Read IDs (1)        : 11
    Access IDs (1)      : 11

TBF Footers
    footer_size         :       8024       0x1f58
  Footer TLV: Credentials (128)
    Type: SHA256 (3) ✓ verified
    Length: 32
  Footer TLV: Credentials (128)
    Type: Reserved (0)
    Length: 7976

Note at the bottom, there is a Footer TLV with SHA256 credentials! Because tockloader was able to double-check the hash was correct there is ✓ verified next to it.

SUCCESS: We now have an app with a hash credential!

Verifying Credentials in the Kernel

To have the kernel check that our hash credential is present and valid, we need to add a credential checker before the kernel starts each process.

To create the app checker, we'll edit the board's file in the kernel. Tock includes a basic SHA256 credential checker, so we can use that. The following code should be added to the file somewhere before the platform setup occurs (probably right after the encryption oracle capsule from the last module!).

fn main() {

// Create the software-based SHA engine.
let sha = static_init!(capsules_extra::sha256::Sha256Software<'static>,

// Create the credential checker.
static mut SHA256_CHECKER_BUF: [u8; 32] = [0; 32];
let checker = static_init!(
    kernel::process_checker::basic::AppCheckerSha256::new(sha, &mut SHA256_CHECKER_BUF)
kernel::hil::digest::Digest::set_client(sha, checker);

That code creates a checker object. We now need to modify the board so it hangs on to that checker struct. To do so, we need to add this to our Platform struct type definition near the top of the file:

fn main() {
struct Platform {
    credentials_checking_policy: &'static kernel::process_checker::basic::AppCheckerSha256,

Then when we create the platform object near the end of main(), we can add our checker:

fn main() {
let platform = Platform {
    credentials_checking_policy: checker,

And we need the platform to provide access to that checker when requested by the kernel for credentials-checking purposes. This goes in the KernelResources implementation for the Platform type:

fn main() {
impl KernelResources for Platform {
    type CredentialsCheckingPolicy = kernel::process_checker::basic::AppCheckerSha256;
    fn credentials_checking_policy(&self) -> &'static Self::CredentialsCheckingPolicy {

Finally, we need to use the function that checks credentials when processes are loaded (not just loads and executes them unconditionally). This should go at the end of main(), replacing the existing call to kernel::process::load_processes:

fn main() {
        &platform, // note this function requires providing the platform.
            &_sapps as *const u8,
            &_eapps as *const u8 as usize - &_sapps as *const u8 as usize,
            &mut _sappmem as *mut u8,
            &_eappmem as *const u8 as usize - &_sappmem as *const u8 as usize,
        &mut PROCESSES,
    .unwrap_or_else(|err| {
        debug!("Error loading processes!");
        debug!("{:?}", err);

Compile and install the updated kernel.

SUCCESS: We now have a kernel that can check credentials!

Installing Apps and Verifying Credentials

Now, our kernel will only run an app if it has a valid SHA256 credential. To verify this, recompile and install the blink app but do not add credentials:

cd libtock-c/examples/blink
touch main.c
tockloader install --erase

Now, if we list the processes on the board with the process console. Note we need to run the console-start command to active the tock process console.

$ tockloader listen
Initialization complete. Entering main loop
NRF52 HW INFO: Variant: AAF0, Part: N52840, Package: QI, Ram: K256, Flash: K1024

Now we can list the processes:

tock$ list
 PID    Name                Quanta  Syscalls  Restarts  Grants  State
 0      blink                    0         0         0   0/16   CredentialsFailed

Tip: You can re-disable the process console by using the console-stop command.

You can see our app is in the state CredentialsFailed meaning it will not execute (and the LEDs are not blinking).

To fix this, we can add the SHA256 credential.

cd libtock-c/examples/blink
tockloader tbf credential add sha256
tockloader install

Now when we list the processes, we see:

tock$ list
 PID    ShortID    Name                Quanta  Syscalls  Restarts  Grants  State
 0      0x3be6efaa blink                    0       323         0   1/16   Yielded

And we can verify the app is both running and now has a specifically assigned short ID.

Permitting Both Credentialed and Non-Credentialed Apps

The default operation is not quite what we want. We want all apps to run, but only credentialed apps to have access to the syscalls.

To allow all apps to run, even if they don't pass the credential check, we need to configure our checker. Doing that is actually quite simple. We just need to modify the credential checker we are using to not require credentials.

In tock/kernel/src/process_checker/, modify the require_credentials() function to not require credentials:

fn main() {
impl AppCredentialsChecker<'static> for AppCheckerSha256 {
    fn require_credentials(&self) -> bool {
        false // change from true to false

Then recompile and install. Now even a non-credentialed process should run:

tock$ list
 PID    ShortID    Name                Quanta  Syscalls  Restarts  Grants  State
 0      Unique     c_hello                  0         8         0   1/16   Yielded

SUCCESS: We now can determine if an app is credentialed or not!

Step 2: Permitting Syscalls for only Credentialed Apps

Our second step is to implement a policy that permits syscall access to the encryption capsule only for credentialed apps. All other syscalls should be permitted.

Tock provides the SyscallFilter trait to do this. An object that implements this trait is used on every syscall to check if that syscall should be executed or not. By default all syscalls are permitted.

The interface looks like this:

fn main() {
pub trait SyscallFilter {
    // Return Ok(()) to permit the syscall, and any Err() to deny.
    fn filter_syscall(
        &self, process: &dyn process::Process, syscall: &syscall::Syscall,
    ) -> Result<(), errorcode::ErrorCode> {


We need to implement the single filter_syscall() function with out desired behavior.

To do this, create a new file called in the board's src/ directory. Then insert the code below as a starting point:

fn main() {
use kernel::errorcode;
use kernel::platform::SyscallFilter;
use kernel::process;
use kernel::syscall;

pub struct TrustedSyscallFilter {}

impl SyscallFilter for TrustedSyscallFilter {
    fn filter_syscall(
        process: &dyn process::Process,
        syscall: &syscall::Syscall,
    ) -> Result<(), errorcode::ErrorCode> {

        // To determine if the process has credentials we can use the
        // `process.get_credentials()` function.

        // Now inspect the `syscall` the app is calling. If the `driver_numer`
        // is not XXXXXX, then return `Ok(())` to permit the call. Otherwise, if
        // the process is not credentialed, return `Err(ErrorCode::NOSUPPORT)`. If
        // the process is credentialed return `Ok(())`.

Documentation for the Syscall type is here.

Save this file and include it from the board's

fn main() {
mod syscall_filter

Now to put our new policy into effect we need to use it when we configure the kernel via the KernelResources trait.

fn main() {
impl KernelResources for Platform {
    type SyscallFilter = syscall_filter::TrustedSyscallFilter;
    fn syscall_filter(&self) -> &'static Self::SyscallFilter {

Also you need to instantiate the TrustedSyscallFilter:

fn main() {
let sysfilter = static_init!(
    syscall_filter::TrustedSyscallFilter {}

and add it to the Platform struct:

fn main() {
struct Platform {
    sysfilter: &'static syscall_filter::TrustedSyscallFilter,

Then when we create the platform object near the end of main(), we can add our checker:

fn main() {
let platform = Platform {

SUCCESS: We now have a custom syscall filter based on app credentials.

Verifying HOTP Now Needs Credentials

Now you should be able to install your HOTP app to the board without adding the SHA256 credential and verify that it is no longer able to access the encryption capsule. You should see output like this:

$ tockloader listen
Tock HOTP App Started. Usage:
* Press a button to get the next HOTP code for that slot.
* Hold a button to enter a new HOTP secret for that slot.
Flash read
Initialized state
ERROR cannot encrypt key

If you use tockloader to add credentials (tockloader tbf credential add sha256) and then re-install your app it should run as expected.


You now have implemented access control on important kernel resources and enabled your app to use it. This provides platform builders robust flexibility in architecting the security framework for their devices.