Hands-on Guides

This portion of the book includes workshops and tutorials to teach how to use and develop with Tock, and is divided into two sections: the course and a series of mini tutorials. The course is a good place to start, and provides a structured introduction to Tock that should take a few hours to complete (it was designed for a half day workshop). The tutorials are smaller examples that highlight specific features.

Tock Course

In this hands-on guide, we will look at some of the high-level services provided by Tock. We will start with an understanding of the OS and its programming environment. Then we'll look at how a process management application can help afford remote debugging, diagnosing and fixing a resource-intensive app over the network. The last part of the tutorial is a bit more free-form, inviting attendees to further explore the networking and application features of Tock or to dig into the kernel a bit and explore how to enhance and extend the kernel.

This course assumes some experience programming embedded devices and fluency in C. It assumes no knowledge of Rust, although knowing Rust will allow you to be more creative during the kernel exploration at the end.

Tock Mini Tutorials

These tutorials feature specific examples of Tock applications. They can be completed after the course to learn about different capabilities of Tock apps.